Historic & Archaeological Sites of Oconto County

First Church of Christ, Scientist
Built in 1886, this structure is the first edifice built for Christian Science services in the world. Although the Mother Church in Boston had started a number of years before, no building had been completed for the express purpose of worship until Oconto’s church was erected.
Potter’s Field
Located in the Evergreen Cemetery of Oconto, these grassy areas may look like empty plots awaiting future burials, but in fact, these sections are actually burial sites for hundreds of individuals who had no family or whose families did not have the ability to pay for a burial plot. Often called Potters Fields, they are a part of the cemetery that was set aside as a burial place for the poor, the destitute and the disenfranchised. Current records show that over 300 people have been buried in the Potter’s Field areas in Evergreen Cemetery, beginning in the 1850’s and continuing right through the end of the twentieth century.

All Historic & Archaeological Sites of Oconto County
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Krause Stone Barn, Chase (1903)
8246 County Rd S, Pulaski
Constructed in 1903, this rare stone cobble barn’s architecture is the only surviving example of its kind in Wisconsin. It was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2000.
Couillardville Park
In 2017 Couillardville Park got a face lift with help from The Friends of Couillardville Park. A historical marker and memorial pavers were installed to commemorate the original settlers.
Smith House
110 W. Main Street, Hwy 22
Built in 1910 by Walter W. Smith, the house has been occupied by a Smith family descendant until 2005. The Gillett Area Historical Society purchased the property which is now maintained as a museum.
Open Saturdays and Sundays, 1 PM – 4 PM, June through Labor Day, or by appointment; call (920) 598-1910
Hauser Dental Office
137 E. Main Street
Former Citizens State Bank. Restored outside and updated inside keeping such amenities as the metal embossed ceiling.
Cathedral Pines
Cathedral Drive
While logging left most of Lakewood spoiled and in similar condition to the rest of the midwestern rust belt, the Holt and Balcom logging company set aside one small tract of land in which they did not cut the original growth. This area is called the “Cathedral of Pines” which was preserved by Lucy Rumsey Hold who influenced her husband, logger W.A. Holt, to leave it as virgin timber. Mrs. Holt used this area to teach bible studies to her children and did not want the area disturbed. This 200 to 400 old white pine and balsam old growth stand is also home to a Blue Heron rookery (Wikipedia).
Holt & Balcom Logging Camp No. 1 (1880)
17067 Club House Ln
East of Lakewood on Co F approximately one mile at McCauslin Brook Golf Course, behind the club house. Wisconsin’s oldest standing logging camp in its original location. Maintained as a furnished museum.
Open Memorial Day – Labor Day Saturday 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Special tours may be arranged by calling (715) 276-3505
Smyth Road Bridge
East of Lakewood off Co F on Smyth Road
This narrow steel bridge spans the North Branch of the Oconto River.
Lena Museum and Log Cabin
118 E. Maple Street
The museum features a variety of local history and artifacts including tools and displays of the trapping and logging industry that once dominated the area. The log home was moved to the museum site from a rural farm and gives a realistic look at the rustic living of logger in the past.
Open every Sunday, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m., June through August or by appointment; call (920) 829-5242 or (920) 829-5944
Mathey Building (1916)
126 W. Main Street
Built as a grocery store, now remodeled into six modern apartments.
Little Suamico
Arndt’s Little Suamico Sawmill Complex (ca 1835)
North Side of Allen Road 1/8 mile west of County J.
Oconto County’s second oldest sawmill had several different owners and operators before it burned in the Peshtigo Fire of 1871. Prior to the fire, southern Oconto County was covered in dense stands of Pine forest which led to construction of numerous water powered sawmills there during the 1830s and 1840s. Parts of the Little Suamico mill pond levies are still visible along the floodplain of the Little Suamico River.
Grosse Family Cemetery (ca 1850)
5151 Allen Rd
Believed to be Wisconsin’s oldest family cemetery, it was plotted by early Little Suamico pioneers Gustav and Caroline Grosse.
Green Lake Picnic Ground Shelter (1937)
Off Hwy 32/64 about two miles south of Mountain
In the Nicolet Forest, also known as Weber Lake, it was built by the Civilian Conservation Corps Company in 1937.
Fire Lookout Tower (1934)
Outside Mountain on old Hwy 32
This is the last original fire tower from a total of nineteen standing on its original location in the Nicolet National Forest. Restored in 1994, it’s still open to the public to climb the tower.
Grade School (1908)
In Mountain south of the main highway, 14330 Hwy W West
Built as a free union high school, serve elementary age pupils of the Suring School District until 2003.
Mountain CCC Camp, Town of Mountain (1930s)
National Forest Road
Civilian Conservation Corp forestry camp during the Great Depression.
Mountain Log House (ca 1880)
Highway 32 and Church Road at Fireman’s Park
Hand hewn log cabin built by Mountain pioneer settlers Fred and Augusta Bartz. The restoration of this log home, the first permanent home in Mountain, gave birth to the formation of the Mountain Historical Society in 1999. The structure is built of hand hew logs. The home was dismantled and rebuilt at its present site in Fireman’s Park. Operated as a historic museum and information center (seasonal). Please visit https://www.mountainhistoricalsociety.org/
Oak Orchard
Living Oak Trail Marker Tree
County S at Windross Lane
Native Americans used long lived tree species as trail signs. Saplings were tied down at right angles so that they would point in a specific direction. This surviving example, possibly centuries old, points East towards the Bay Shore (or across the Bay?). County Highway S was once the major north/south trail.
Allouez Historic Marker
Brazeau Ave. near intersection with Highway 22
Oconto was the site of Jesuit missionary Father Claude Allouez’s Mission of St. Francis Xavier in late 1669, which was later moved to DePere, WI.
Beyer Home & Carriage Museum (1868)
915 Park Avenue
Includes George E. Hall Annex, Carriage House, and Log Cabin. Oconto County historical exhibits, Victorian era furnished home, Old Copper and other Indian artifacts, classic electric cars, Old Time Main Street, veteran’s exhibits, carriage house, furnished period log cabin, and gift shop. Operated by the Oconto County Historical Society.
Open Memorial Day through Labor Day with group tours by appointment at other times
Copper Culture State Park (ca 4000 to 3000 BC)
260 Copper Culture Way
Burial ground of North America’s earliest metal users, the Oconto Site is the oldest dated cemetery in eastern North America. Museum is open to the public in the summer months. Foot trail leads from parking area to stone monument at location of burial ground.
Farnsworth Public Library (1903, 1993)
715 Main Street
George Farnsworth wanted to give a library to the community where he made his fortune and raised his family.
First Church of Christ, Scientist (1886)
423 Chicago Street
World’s first Christian Science Church building is part of the West Main Street National Historic District, on corner of Main and Chicago.
Governor Scofield Mansion (Brunquest Home, 1869)
610 Main Street
Built by Oconto lumberman Wm Brunquest it was later acquired by Edward Scofield, Governor of Wisconsin from 1897 to 1901. Restored to be a Bed & Breakfast and restaurant in 2000-2002. Currently a private residence.
Holt & Balcom Lumber Company Office (1854)
106 Superior Avenue
Presently the Brothers Three Restaurant.
Huff Jones House (1851)
1345 Main Street
Possibly Oconto County’s oldest standing home, the Colonel David Jones House was built by Oconto’s early pioneer lumbering family. Private Residence.
Oconto County Courthouses (ca 1872 & 1891)
301 Washington Street
The original Oconto County red brick combined office and jail building was located at the southeast corner of 1st Street and Collins Avenue. In 1872, the new county office building was constructed near the northeast corner of that same intersection. In 1891, the buildings were vacated with the construction of the new courthouse at 301 Washington Street. In 1907, the county donated the old office building to the Hospital Association and it became the hospital until 2002.
St. Mark’s Episcopal Guild Hall & Vicarage (1866 and 1871 respectively)
408 Park Avenue
The St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, constructed in 1900, was razed in 1998 due to its deteriorating condition. That location is now a parking lot for the hall. The St. Mark’s Guild Hall at 408 Park Ave had been moved to that location from the 300 block of Park Ave where it was originally constructed as the first United Methodist Church until its red brick replacement at 325 Park Ave was built. The Guild Hall is the present site of local theatre group, the Machickanee Players.
St. Peter’s Catholic Church (1899)
516 Brazeau Avenue
Threatened with demolition the congregation closed the building in July 2000 and joined with St. Joseph’s congregation to create Holy Trinity parish.
Stanley Toy Company
310 Park Avenue
The brick building at 310 Park Ave is all that remains of the Stanley Toy Company building, address 1301 Main St, which was destroyed by fire on December 29, 1949. The original brick veneer building was constructed in 1872 and became the home of the toy company in 1946. The remaining portion was constructed in the early 1900s.
Susie’s Hill and Rapids (ca 1835)
Mott Street/North River Road near Oconto Catholic Cemetery
5000 years ago this sand and gravel ridge stood at the mouth of the ancient Oconto River when the waters of Green Bay were at a higher elevation. Used as a long term Indian settlement, it is the site of the first privately owned land, and site of the first sawmill on the Oconto River. Home site of early Oconto pioneer residents George Lurwick and Susie Mechaquette (or Mishakwut). It’s now private land, please do not trespass.
West Main Street National Historic District (1860-1929)
Between Eerie and Duncan Lane
Twenty-one historic homes and one church reflect a variety of architectural designs and influences, many belonged to prominent Oconto business families. A self-guided walking tour booklet can be obtained at the Oconto Area Chamber of Commerce.
Oconto Falls
Oconto Falls Tissue (1845)
River St and E Central Ave
The water falls in the Oconto River was the site of first sawmill in Oconto Falls built by the Volk family around which the modern city grew. Successive lumber and paper mills have operated at this location.
Volk Family Cemetery (ca 1855)
Golden Corners Road southwest of County Highway CC
Private family cemetery of Oconto Falls’ pioneer family.
Arndt’s Pensaukee Mill (1827)
North of Drolette Rd 1 mile East of US 41
Location of Wisconsin’s first documented and sustained commercial water powered sawmill and lumbering operation. The mill was used until the 1860s. Pensaukee, Oconto County’s first modern era community and first modern farm were established here around the mill. The dam levy along the north bank of the Pensaukee River is the only surviving structure.
E.A. Taylor’s Pensaukee Stagecoach Stop (ca 1855) and Hotel (ca 1871)
South of intersection of County SS with Drolette Road, 1 mile East of US 41
The stagecoach stop building still stands and today rests alongside other buildings on a family farm. The hotel was destroyed by fire in 1871. That location was once a section of the Fort Howard to Menominee Road abandoned in 1875.
Fort Howard to Menominee Road (1855)
West side of County S at Pensaukee Wildlife Area
Originally surveyed along ancient Indian trails, this was the first true wagon road and stage coach route built in Oconto County. Portions of this section of the road were abandoned in 1875 can still be walked on State of Wisconsin wildlife preserve lands.
Gardner’s Sawmill and Grand Hotel (ca 1850 and 1972)
Fish House Road, west of boat landing
Gardner’s steam powered sawmill was the main industry in Pensaukee in the second half of the 19th century. Sawmill buildings stood between the river and Boat House Road east of boat ramp. His Grand Hotel was advertised as the largest and most lavish north of Milwaukee. It was destroyed by tornado in 1877.
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church and Cemetery (1892)
County A two miles west of Spruce at the intersection with W. River Road
Architectural example of a rural church and associated cemetery.
Town of Brazeau
Bedora Mound Group (ca 100 AD)
Northeast side of White Potato Lake, Meyers Road
Woodland Mound group preserved by Oconto County consists of two large linear mounds, two smaller conical mounds, and an ovoid shaped mound with a “twisting tail”. This may possibly a ceremonial site.
White Potato Lake Garden Beds (ca 1200-1600 AD)
White Potato Lake Road
Remnants of geometric pattern raised field garden plots possibly associated with the Oneota tradition. An Archeological Conservancy preserved site.
Town of Lakewood
Murphy Resort
Murphy Road
The Murphy Resort are ruins of three log cabins set in an old growth hemlock forest with possible dam or bridge ruins along the north branch of the Oconto River at the end of Murphy Road in the Town of Lakewood. Once owned by the Oconto Company until about 1916, its main building may be the remains of a logging camp later converted to a private hunting resort by Murphy.
Town of Little River
Swamp Hotel (Originally built ca 1912)
Tower Road (Old Highway 15/41 North of County A)
Ruins of the foundation of one of Oconto County’s notorious prohibition era speakeasies. The buildings burned in 1932. It’s located along an abandoned length of the Fort Howard to Menominee Road.
Thomaston Fishing Settlement (ca 1855-1871)
County Y at D. E. Hall County Park
Early Green Bay shore commercial fishing settlement founded by the Samuel Thomas family was burned in the Peshtigo Fire then abandoned.
Town of Oconto
Paxkinano Village Site
Stiles Road at Funk Road
Historic location of Menominee Nation Village bearing that name. The site is situated along a peninsula at the confluence of the Little River with the Oconto River and is one of many ancient sites along this stretch of the Oconto River. It was occupied more or less continuously for several thousand years.
Town of Stiles
Indian School and Farm (ca 1870)
South of Stiles Road at Watercrest Road, 1 mile East of US 141
This small building was built by the Stiles School District and is reported to have served as a school for Indian children as part of an Indian resettlement area along the Stiles Road. Similarly, the farm was reported to have been used to train Indians in the Euro-American form of agriculture. Ruins of the barn foundation, possibly from the Peter Pecor farm ca. 1858, and a stand of virgin pine mark the location.
Stiles Dam (ca 1925) and Iron Bridge (ca 1920)
West of US Highway 141 along Oconto River
One of Oconto County’s earliest hydro-electric facilities. The bridge is at the crossing of Old US Highway 141.
Archibald Lake Mound Site
This site comprises a group of conical and linear mounds that is one of the largest Oneota/Wolf River Tradition pre-European contact mound groupings in northeastern Wisconsin, ancestral to local tribal people. Mounds such as these probably were used for burials of important individuals and possibly for ceremonial places, between about 1000 AD and 1500 AD. The exact location is not publicized in order to protect the delicate nature of the site. Please respect any mounds you come across in your travels. Contact the forest archaeologist to report any that you find so that we can protect those as well. The Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest website has more information.