Archived Articles
1918 Influenza Pandemic
The current CoVid-19 pandemic has brought many comparisons to the influenza pandemic of 1918. A Wisconsin Magazine of History article from 2000 posted on WisCONTEXT (search 1918 at recounts the history of that time […]
December 11, 1930 Oconto County Reporter Article Recalls Baseball The story of what was essentially Oconto’s first city baseball team, formed in 1886 and winning 23 out of 24 games during its initial years, was recollected […]
Crazy Jane
Green Bay Press – GazetteJanuary 9, 1934 Identity of Woman Found In Wilderness Never Revealed MANY YEARS ago, when the logging industry on the Oconto river and its tributaries was in its infancy, many oxen were used […]
Hanging of Louis Nohr
Account of the Hanging of Louis Nohr Hanging of Louis Nohr, May 1871, at Oconto, Wis., as related to Atty Giles V. Megan, by George Merline, an eye witness. “I was born April 29, […]
Lucia Brothers
A. J. Lucia Cycle Co. The OCHS has a small file entitled “Transportation”. In it are only a few items. A few were about the railroad which were moved to that file, and about fishing […]
Pensaukee’s Hotel Tycoons
Pensaukee’s Hotel Tycoons By Peter Stark and Monette Bebow-Reinhard In the history of Pensaukee, one name stands out: Freeland B. Gardner. Even though John P. Arndt began Wisconsin’s commercial lumbering there in 1827, […]
Plague of Frogs
Odd Wisconsin Archive A Plague of Frogs In the summer of 1952, the town of Oconto was invaded. The town lies on the western shore of Green Bay (map), and has been home to humans […]
Oconto’s Tank The World War II tank has been a part of the Oconto landscape since 1957. It was first located at the American Legion Golf Club. In 2006, the golf course was sold so […]