Soda and Water Bottlers of Oconto County

The Oconto County Historical Society proudly presents the June book of the month: Soda and Water Bottlers of Oconto County by author, Peter A. Stark. This informative and beautifully colored illustrated book describes the successful and significant impact the Oconto County Soda and Water bottlers provided to their local communities.

Oconto County’s Soda and Water bottlers never reached the prominence of their national soda competitors, but they filled an important niche that provided locally produced products aimed at local consumers. They were invariably family owned and operated by residents of their respective communities. It is very important that these historic Oconto County businesses be remembered. 8” x 11”, 54 pages.

Order your copy today by sending a check in the amount of $25 (which includes S&H), along with your return address, to Oconto County Historical Society, Inc., P.O. Box 272, Oconto, WI 54153. Thank you for supporting OCHS and our local talented authors!

Soda and Water Cover of "Bottlers of Oconto County" by Peter A. Stark